Day 2: Data Fundamentals


Lindsay Poirier

Today, we are going to work with a dataset that documents cases where NYC Urban Park Rangers respond to requests for animal assistance, relocation, and/or rescue. If you are unfamiliar with what an Urban Park Ranger does, you may want to check out this video!

  1. Navigate to the NYC Urban Park Ranger Animal Condition Response dataset.

  2. Note the information listed in the “About this Dataset” section. This is administrative metadata.

  3. Note the attachment in this section with the file name: UrbanParkRangerAnimalConditionResponse_DataDictionary_20181107.xlsx. This contains descriptive metadata for this dataset.

  4. Scroll to the ‘Table Preview’ at the bottom of the page. This previews this data as a rectangular dataset.

  5. Answer the following questions by discussing in your groups:

  1. As a preview of what you will be able to do in a few weeks, here is a visualization of the most commons species for which services are requested in NYC!
nyc_urban_ranger <- 
           name_repair = make.names)

nyc_urban_ranger %>%
  group_by(Species.Description) %>%
  summarize(Count = sum(X..of.Animals)) %>%
  top_n(10, Count) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = reorder(Species.Description, Count), y = Count)) +
  geom_col() +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(title="Top 10 Most Common Species for which NYC Urban Park Rangers Assistance is Requested, 2018-2020", x = "Species", y = "Count") +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(size=8))